Mission Statements

The founding mission statements of the Irish Supercomputer List follow, and will be regularly reviewed by the steering and advisory committees:

  1. To form a central point for HPC installation operators and users in Ireland across all sectors, public and private, including (but not limited to) academic, research, industry and government.
  2. To improve the awareness of HPC amongst the Irish public.
  3. To represent and enhance the profile of the HPC landscape domestically and internationally.
  4. To serve as a globally-facing resource representing Irish HPC, in keeping with both global and national conventions.
  5. To identify current and emerging trends in Irish HPC, which can then be compared to those identified in global lists.
  6. To provide a list whose statistics are representative of the Irish HPC landscape, for use by anyone for any purpose.
  7. To maintain a list whose statistics are not dominated and skewed by a small number of systems at the top end – systems that also often feature expensive, exotic or custom hardware not available to most users of HPC systems.
  8. To allow any university department, vendor, research group or company to rank on a list of peers, to quantitatively determine their rank, and qualitatively identify and analyse the properties and trends of similar systems, by similar organisations, with similar goals and means.
  9. To provide a lifetime-long, not time-on-list-long history of system performance. This will be achieved by tracking system performance until decommissioning, not only until failure to attain a specified rank or performance mark.
  10. To identify hardware and cooling trends that lead to cost effective performance and maximum energy-efficiency.